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Code B

Code B

An Online Interactive Program

Join Code B now for an online coding course focused on game development with the Java programming language.

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Our Program

Code B is one of many opportunities in Bolsa Grande Highschool's STEM club that allows future software engineers or game developers to build a path for themselves and sharpen their skills in programming. BGHS STEM Alumni founded the program and work diligently to create informative tutorials on how to code and design games. Learn what it takes to make a professional, fun game with NASA software engineer Julian Vu and experience the fun process of game design.

Special Features

Hands-on Interative Online Lessons

Explore and learn how to code and make games through these convenient tutorials. These tutorials are available on Youtube and Canvas.

Canvas Link

Convenient Forms of Communications

Use Discord for additional help and advice through discussions or voice chat.

Discord Link

Learn Java Programming

Design games with Greenfoot Software and the Java programming language.

Greenfoot Software

Developers of Code B

Julian Vu

Julian Vu

Julian Vu got the idea for Code B when he noticed that Bolsa did not have any computer science classes. He hopes to get more students to learn how to code in order to prepare them for an increasingly technological world. He is now the mentor for the program and produce in all of the video tutorials for Code B.

Danny Vo

Danny Vo

Danny Vo was a Junior at the time when he realized the lack of coding classes or clubs on Bolsa's campus, as well as the fact that many Bolsa Grande graduates declared computer science majors without ever having the chance to code before. He wanted to help students learn how to code in a comfortable environment so they could achieve greater heights in college.

Duy Pham

Duy Pham

Duy Pham is the third co-developer for Code B.

Student Examples (Coming Soon)