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2017-2018 was a very successful and extraordinary year for BGHS STEM. With the changes in the rules of the MESA Competition and the impressive cabinet of officers, this year was filled with success and grand achievement.


Throughout 2017-2018, BGHS's STEM had many events. Here are a list of most of the events from that year.

Annual Mesa Competition

Regional teams

Preliminary Teams

BGHS STEM continued to participate in the annual MESA Competition where many teams placed top three in their MESA project.

Annual Banquet

STEM's annual banquet at the end of the year was held at Shik Do Rak on June 10th, 2018


2017-2018 was a very successful year for BGHS's STEM Club. Some notable achievements are:

2nd Place NEDC National Competition- David Chuong, Duy Pham, and Danny Vo

  • 1st Place 9/10th Grade Civil Structures Regionals - Charlene Tran
  • 3rd Place 11/12th Grade Civil Structures Regionals - Hubert Tran and Huy Banh
  • 2nd Place Prosthetic Arm Performance Regionals -Minh Duong and Van Nguyen
  • 2nd Place 9/10th Grade Wright Turn Glider Regionals - Evan Botros, Hector Flores, Quan Khong
  • 1st Place 11/12th Wright Turn Glider Regionals - Huy Banh, Joaquin Lopez, Patrick Nguyen


David Chuong

David held the position of President during this year. He was a Junior at the time and had been in STEM for his entire highschool career. He participated in NEDC for three years where he made it to Regionals, State, and even National competitions.

Joanne Duong

Joanne held the position of Vice President during this year. She was a Senior at the time and was one of the most experienced on the board that year, had been an officer the previous year as well as a STEM member for her fourth year.

Long Ho

Long held the position of Treasurer as a Senior during this year. He had been in STEM since his freshman year and aims to become a software engineer. He now attends Princeton University.

Van Nguyen

Van held the position of Secretary as a Senior this year where he was involved in the Robotic Arm Competition, and placed 1st in Preliminary and 2nd in Regionals. He had been in STEM for a year.

Michelle Truong

Michelle held the position of Activities Chair as a Senior during this year. She had been in STEM since Junior year, and now attends UCLA in the hopes of becoming a civil engineer in the future.

Hubert Tran

Hubert held the position of Activities Chair during this year. He was a Junior at the time and was is one of the most experienced on the board that year, having served as an officer for multiple years as well as being in STEM since his Freshman year.

Danny Vo

Danny held the position of Technology Chair as a Senior during this year, and had been in STEM for three years prior. He is always curious about how things work and is willing to take things apart in order to learn how they work.