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About Us


To provide a challenging learning environment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, which maximizes individual potential and ensures students are well-prepared to meet the challenges in the world around them


Bolsa Grande STEM strives to offer students a learning environment and get hands-on experience in STEM fields, be it by constructing engineering projects, coding complex algorithsm, or participating in exhilarating and meaningful icebreakers—all with the goal to excel in those fields.


Every year, STEM provides students opportunities to expand their knowledge and compete through a variety of projects, and competitions from different organizations. We have two main competitions: MESA and Sideline, both of which require students to design, build and work in a team to make a real-life practical device.

Samueli Sideline
MESA game-designs


Minh Duong


I'm currently a Junior at Bolsa Grande High School, and I'm giving my all to support this club and its members. I find building practical devices and tools that help others to be my passion. In the future, I plan on pursuing a STEM field, with the goal to provide useful solutions and solve challenging problems in my community.

Hector Flores


If I had three words to describe myself I would use the words determined, knowledgeable, and leading. I would say I'm a simple person who always likes a challenge and always needs a reason to do things. I'm a logical thinker who uses facts to make a decision.

Thao Do


I’m currently a Junior at Bolsa Grande High School and although this is my first year in STEM, I’m dedicated to making this club and its members the best they can be. I enjoy puzzles and other problem-solving games, especially those that involve math and science. I plan to pursue a career in aerospace engineering with the hope that I am able to assist humanity advance in the field of space exploration.

Bianca Le


I know it'll be challenging as a Junior and an officer of STEM this year, but I am determined to support my club and the members to the best of my ability. I will work my hardest to be a good leader for this club.

Khoanguyen Dinh

Activity Chair

My name Khoanguyen Dinh (but some of you might know me as Khoa) and I will serve as your activity chair for this term. First I want to welcome you to the club for the 2019-2020 school year, and I hope that you have an amazing experience with your fellow classmates. ...

Thomas To

Activity Chair

I’m a sophomore this year and I’m working my hardest in order to get as far in life as I can. I plan on majoring in electrical engineering or computer science. “Never stop moving forward. No matter how hard it gets, or how much you fail, get up and keep going. Always strive to be "better than your best".